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Auckland, New Zealand
New-Zealanders’ health could be improved by greater emphasis on all aspects of natural heath and healing. It is important to take a holistic view of health and healing which sees the healing process as a matter of mind, body, and spirit. Healthy diet and exercise are vital for health. Restoring and maintaining the health of the natural environment is an essential part of keeping or population healthy. This includes using organic and biodynamic farming methods. Consideration of social issues, justice, and peace throughout the world is relevant to health. A loving concern for people, plants, animals and environment is the basis of good health for all New-Zealand.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


7pm,10th December 2011;

Holistic medicine has gained popularity recently, and a number of alternative medical interventions have emerged with possible   performance – enhancing properties. One such candidate currently under investigation is acupuncture, which has been a medical intervention in the orient for over 2,500 years.

 Saturday 12th November 2011...
                                 Presented by Julian.

Saturday 8th October 
The Secret To health

ü  Practice positive feelings, be quick to forgive and be thankful
ü  Keep the circulation in good health with gentle exercise like walking, yoga, or Tai chi
ü  Get plenty of sleep
ü  Eat a wide variety of food and not too much

Saturday 10th September 2011
by Mike Kelly;           Engineer extraordinaire...
What’s next for gunpoint medicine?
·         As truth continues to emerge about the extreme dangers vaccinations and pharmaceuticals
·         Big Pharma, is becoming increasingly desperate to coerce the public into relying on it’s products
·         State authorities and Governors to mandate use of vaccination chemicals on young children.
·         This results in criminalization of parents who refuse to subject their children to this.
·         Police tactics are now being used to enforce hazardous public health policies.
·          Modern vaccines are, after all a grand medical experiment the effects of which will only become known after a generation of mass poisoning has come and gone.

In effect, Big Pharma is hoping to turn natural health followers into criminals. Next, parents who refuse to subject their children to the chemical pharmaceuticals will be rounded up and incarcerated for refusing to comply with public health policy. The end game of all this is to apply “gunpoint medicine” tactics to everyone; adults and senior citizens included.  People with cancer could be arrested for choosing to treat their cancer with safe and effective botanical medicines instead of patented high profit Big Pharma drugs. To remain a free citizen you must submit to the synthetic drugs made by the very same corporation that now control the government health regulators. Any person who resists such treatments will be branded a threat to public health, a designation just beneath “terrorism” in the eyes of many government bureaucrats.
Where is the outrage? 
Organized medicine believes the people are too stupid to be allowed to make their own health decisions. Bureaucrats and physicians should be the ones making the decisions, we’re told, and any person who disagrees with such decisions should be labeled a criminal, arrested and prosecuted. This is no exaggeration; in fact it is a shockingly accurate description of Maryland’s current vaccination policy. People would have been marching in the streets demanding their health freedom but today it’s a different America. People are drugged up on pharmaceuticals and dosed on fluoride, too intoxicated to think straight and they’re frightened to submission by the fear that domestic tyranny invokes. Domestic tyranny takes every opportunity to control and manipulate the people into doing whatever it wants done. 
 Learn more visit-

Saturday 13th August 2011

  • Improved energy and skin
  • Bowel regulator
  • Improvement in digestion,concentration
  • Increased energy
More people are using detoxification as a pathway to good health, come along and find out how detoxing can improve your health.

Value your health. 
Know what foods to avoid.
Understand why.
  • Todays modern diet is lacking in nutrients when compared to ancient times. 
  • Most of our foods are genetically re-engineered and processed.
  • Our busy lifestyle tempts us to use instant, prepared meals to save time which should be spent preparing fresh foods.
  • Using modern kitchen appliances to prepare our meals can destroy the nutrients in fresh food.
 Knowing the damage these foods can do to our health encourages us to make changes to our diets and lifestyles.
For example;Reduce on eating acid forming foods. They cause the blood to become too acidic, which thickens our blood, slows our circulation and hinders the transporting of nutrients though-out our bodies.Thick blood hosts blood toxins like viruses, parasites and harmful yeasts, clogs our circulatory system and hampers elimination of toxins from the body.
Some examples of acid forming food are; 
  • Deep fried,junk and processed food, 
  • Food cooked at high temperatures like pastries,doughnuts, biscuits etc
  • Foods containing additives like emulsifiers,artificial flavorings, coloring and preservatives.
  • Some dairy products and animal proteins.
  • Oily foods, flour and sugar products.
  • Prescription drugs and medications.

Saturday 9th July 2011
"We are engaged worldwide in the wrong kind of contest.The good news is that there are model companies that want to do the right things to protect the environment. Unfortunately, the bad news is that crisis-prepared companies make up only 20% of all companies. The remaining 80% are crisis-prone."
Quote; Ian I. Mitroff Alliant International University and UC Berkeley. Co-author of Dirty Rotten Strategies:

"We look to beauty as a marker of life, even life that has been badly mutilated. We have overridden our experience of the world as a place of beauty. If we cannot speak of beauty except as a matter of opinion, how are we to evaluate some of the most tragic experiences of the contemporary world?"
Quote; Sandra B. Lubarsky founded the master's program in sustainable communities at Northern Arizona University.

Tai Chi

In a general way the body reflects every stimulus. Either it is stored so that we repond in a habitual manner, or we are compelled to respond in a certain way because of faulty habits and deterioration of our response processes.
During life we deal with increasing changing stimuli. We are subjected to often repeated, unending, finely graduated consequences by the manifold stimuli of food, weather, light and physical intrusions. This takes place in a circulatory manner from morning ‘till night, Spring to Autumn, youth to old age. These stimuli come about in the form of repeated cycle.
The more obvious source of all circular forms of movement in the body is the blood circulation, but it is not so isolated. Tissues and organs are nourished by the blood and processes taking place in them, proceed daily and in seasonal cycles. The organs of our body also have a periodic cycle of day/night entity, definite times of rest (accumulation phase), and work (elimination phase). Energy circulates through the organs every two hours.  3-5am is the ‘lung time’, 5-7am large intestine, 7-9am stomach, 9-11am spleen/pancreas, 11am-1pm heart and gall bladder,  5-7pm kidneys, 7-9pm circulation, 9-11pm temperature regulation, 11pm-1am heart, 1-3am bladder.
The Chinese system of Tai Chi understands this energy as something universal. The work on this energy, this ‘life’ energy, in man gives insight into the intermingling with the organs, the mind, and with time restoring a sense of wonder and restoring mystery to the World.  
Julian McCusker-Dixon



“Ayurveda” this magic word means “science of life” which gives complete knowledge of a holistic approach to balance the five bodily elements and gives greater understanding of how to keep you healthy physically, mentally and spiritually  for a long life.

Ayurveda is the Ancient Vedic Science of life which brings balance in Mind, Body and Soul through holistic methods, herbs, diet and lifestyle changes. This particular healing science originates from the Indian Vedic books and has more than  6000 years spiritual history.  The aim of Ayurveda is the prevention cure and rejuvenations.
Ayurvedic Diagnosis involves your unique body type analysis, diagnosis of present Imbalances through Pulse diagnosis, Nail Diagnosis, Tongue Diagnosis along with Ayurvedic clinical examination.

Dr Priya Punjabi B.A.M.S (India)

Dr Priya Punjabi has been educating NZ community through regular Television and Radio channels  for  many years.
Dr. Priya is well known for the Ayurvedic counseling which achieves a physical and mental balance.
She is a registered member of 
The New Zealand Charter of Health Practitioners.

Saturday 12th March 2011

A Journey to unlocking the secrets of a magnificent life.
Have you ever dreamed of a better life? A master plan to finding life's purpose and having exceptional relationships, emotional balance success and spiritual peace?
Within is the visionary leader, the achiever, the poet, the sage, and the spirit. Awakening extraordinary inner power and spirit fulfillment. Celebration of loving relationships is a formula of success in all areas of life. leading an extraordinary life guides sucess to match your heart's desire. map your wisdom experience discovering purpose for a golden perspective of fulfillment and living the life of your dreams.  
3 significant books of interest…

editor; Julian McCusker-Dixon

50th Anniversary; 1960 – 2010

50 years of active education in health modalities; and one of the intitial drivers of The New Zealand Charter of Health Practitioners, a body that serves the alternative health practitioners so well, to ensure good safe practices. Remember too that what we today, call alternative integrative medicine, was not so readily accepted. But perseverence, drive and dedication, 50 years on has overcome many adversities. We still face challenges, but they are different. Forward thinking visionaries, some born at the turn of 19th century, helped initiate The New Zealand Healing Association in 1960 in very ‘humble’ surroundings. This enabled many practitioners to become established with avid public support. Today, we can look back on many of those early speakers and the methods they employed we see today revisited.
Today we take many modalities for granted; eg a visit to the herbalist, or variable massage and healing therapies, even traditions like acupuncture, that seemed so remote then, whereas today, Tai Chi and Yoga are well known. It was not always so. I look back on 35 years of Tai Chi practice when few had any idea about this ancient Chinese art. But recently a young boy still in nappies shouted “Tai Chi!” at me. In this book we bring to life the many past practitioners to share alongside today's relevant practices their collective insights into well being and longevity, dealing with mostly from what I call a ‘mental wealth’ perspective.
That is with a sense of purpose and a desire to inspire others to read more and investigate. The journey continues….Go Well…

The more ethical “bottom up” approach to human rights with a view to their inclusion in domestic and international human rights law.

 by Anthony Ravlich 
(09)940-9658 Auckland. 
Publisher; Lexington Books. $85.00

by Borislav Dacic
Ph (09)846-9945
This book encourages readers, to speak from their hearts, and use the language that portrays the real picture in Mental Health, while clients, families and public try to comprehend the pandemic increase in mental illness. 
For more information or to purchase a copy of the books; 
Ph(mob) 021-206-8759
Payment by N.Z phone banking to account: 
ASB 12-3020-0462644-60 Selwyn Village branch, Pt Chevalier, Auckland
Send cheques to: The New Zealand Healing Association; P.O. Box 78125; Grey Lynn Auckland 1245, New Zealand.
Saturday 12th February 2011
Uncensored views on vaccination, herbs, vitamin C, and alternative treatments...
by Kathy Eisen

Remember to drink a full glass of water with herbs. Use mineral water, purified water, or rain water if possible. Juices are acceptable alternatives, and can reduce the likelhood of burping or repeating. It is unwise to take herbs with milk
 How many to take? Unless otherwise stated start with 2 capsules a day, increasing the daily dose by one each week, building up to between 4 and 6 capsules a day.
 Nature cleanses repairs and builds slowly so allow time for the herbs to do their work.

 Some herbs have been known to increase the body’s natural process of elimination, so expect to visit the bathroom more often than you are accustomed to. This means that the large intestine is being cleaned out.

 Watery diahorrea means that you are taking too much at once. Cut back and slowly build up to the amount that you can handle.

 If you are taking laxative herbs, lower the dosage to establish comefortable regular bowel movements.

 Vomiting should never occur through the use of laxitives. If vomiting occurs, cease taking the preparation and consult your health or medical practitioner.

 Start slowly. Historically many herbs have been used as cleansers, and react with an action on the bowel. If too many are taken too soon, you may experience nausea or diahorrea.

 Avoid mucus forming foods like milk, milk products, sugar or white flour. These foods slow down the cleansing process and are defeating the purpose of taking the herbs. If you insist on milk products a good choice would be yoghurt, raw milk, raw cheese or cream.

 A runny nose is naturopathically interpreted as throwing off excess mucus. Sometimes this is desirable and should cease within a short time. You may notice a sense of wellbeing in the lung and head area.

 Some people experience hunger during the first couple of weeks. This will tend to subside as impurities and congestion leaves the body. 

The Healing Business  
Dr Tony Minervino
Born and raised in Waterbury, Connecticut in New England, just 90 minutes outside of New York City. He received his education at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. (B.S.-Psychology), University of Virginia (Pre- Med), Western Evangelical Seminary (Theology), and New York College of Chiropractic (D.C. – Doctor of Chiropractic). He also has a strong background in metaphysics, comparative religions, anthropology, philosophy, and consciousness and awareness technologies.
He began to explore the role of consciousness in health and healing, and in the quality of life a person is experiencing. His clinical research led to the conclusion that;
“unless there is a shift in consciousness,
there is no true healing, only fixing.”

Here is a way to really help people dramatically and quickly.
Never before have any of us seen anything with such instant results.A pen sized device called an Amega Wand is used to restore the allignment, harmony, and resonance to the body with Zero Point Energy, infused into the body. Results can include disappearance of pain – even long standing pain, and the restoration of the body’s ability to heal itself on all levels; mental, emotional, physical and even spiritual. 

Tai chi by Julian McCusker-Dixon
Traditional Chinese: simplified Chinese: pinyin: tàijíquán; Wade-Giles: t'ai4 chi2 ch'üan2  An internal Chinese martial art often practiced for health reasons. Tai chi is typically practiced for a variety of other personal reasons: its hard and soft martial art technique, demonstration competitions, health and longevity. Consequently, a multitude of training forms exist, both traditional and modern, which correspond to those aims. Some of tai chi chuan's training forms are well known to Westerners as the slow motion routines that groups of people practice together every morning in parks around the world, particularly in China.
May 2010  For details Ph; (mob) 021-206-8759; Email;
